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Fundraising Events

Click here to download the latest PTFA Newsletter with a list of key events for 23-24  >

Coming Up

Our end of term cake and uniform sale returns on Friday 9th Feb at school pick up in playground 2. Be quick, they sell fast! We always need volunteers, please give us a shout if you're able to help.

Over the February half-term, children have the chance to raise funds for the PTFA themselves! For Challenge 24, children can come up with fundraising ideas: wash a car, bake some biscuits, do a little digging in the garden - whether they raise 24p or £24, this fundraiser is for them!


Previous events


Winter Fair

2nd December 2022

The Winter Fair was pretty busy, the drinks were flowing and Santa was pooped! We certainly didn't expect how busy it would be - great for the turn out and profit, not so great for queues getting in and the heat felt by all in winter coats and crowds!

We've taken on feedback and will take steps in future to combat this where we can. If you have any feedback please don't hesitate to help us work this out. 

We're really pleased with how it went and will hold the summer fair after school on a Friday as well with improved entrance queues and better flows of crowds.

We made an awesome: PTFA profit £2582

A huge thank you to staff, Santa and the enormous team of volunteers it took to prep, run and pack away.

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Bonfire Bar

The Victoria Park bonfire this year, after a 3 year hiatus, was a HUGE success. A simple thank you doesn't seem to cut it for the tremendous work volunteers put in to make the event run smoothly and sell out! Thanks to the community of Victoria Park and Windmill Hill who came together for a slightly wet but busy and buzzing atmosphere - you were awesome!

PTFA Profit £1478


Dragonbird Theatre

Reception classes had a fabulous time when Dragon and Bird, Lotte and Anna came to visit us in December. We went on a magical adventure to The North Pole. We got to choose a hat to wear and wrapped ourselves up in a scarf. We made the sleigh work by jingling bells. When we were in the North pole we played in the snow and even threw snow balls at one another. We got to sit in an ice cave and shined sparkly lights out. We had a fantastic immersive play experience - thank you PTFA!


Winter Wreath

Our first wreath (circle of hope) workshop and a definite success of a pilot! We had an intimate group in the community room, making it one of the loveliest social evenings we've hosted. By no means a money spinner but this event has given us a lovely experience (first time for many), a great atmosphere with a lovely bunch of people thrown together and proven success that the PTFA were able to host this AND support a local florist Floriography

PTFA Profit £52

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